Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Los Campesinos! song

"The Sea is a Goof Place to Think of the Future" is a new song from Los Campesinos!, presumable from their already completed, as yet to be titled next album due to be released in early 2010. Though it's entirely possible this is a leftover that won't actually appear on the album, since the band has been know to do that (see: "The International Tweexcore Underground", "How I Taught Myself to Scream").

As for the song... It's interesting. They've slowed down a bit, though they still yell and shred a little at the end, for the most part it's much slower and subdued. Lyrically they're also a little different, less tongue in cheek humorous and more dark and serious. While I'd hate to see them go this direction significantly, they do it pretty well and one or two songs would be nice as a change of pace.

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