Friday, September 11, 2009

Song of the Day: September 11th

The Magnetic Fields: "I Wish I Had an Evil Twin" from i
Stephin Merritt likes to write about fantasies; namely songs about people who want to act out of their situation ("The Nun's Litany", "Busby Berkley Dreams", "Love in the Shadows") and his crowning achievement in this department is this song. No other song I've ever heard more clearly or blatantly expresses repressed human emotion. Who, at some point in their life, wishes they could act with responsibly? Who doesn't want to punch some person they dislike, or talk confidently to a girl they're nervous around? Now some of these feelings are not something we should be experiencing, but we all have them and lines like "sometimes the good life wears thin, I wish I had an evil twin... all men would writhe beneath his scythe" while violent, shows clearly just how despicable humans can be when they get worn down by this world. The gentle stings and plunking keyboards make the song seem ever more consumed with and under current of suppressed frustration and rage.
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